Wednesday, 12 April 2023


    Meeting face to face with EFEC members is a lot of fun, at this iftar moment we can joke and talk from a to z. Iftar aims to strengthen our relationship as EFEC's member. This event held on April 10, 2023, at 17.00 to be precise at Ayam Remuk Pak Tisto. We agreed to use a dress code with a white and cream theme. 

    The iftar with EFEC event was coordinated by adelima dasopang, and assisted by other EFEC members. During the event, there was a prayer led by Akbar. An intimate atmosphere full of kinship can be seen when we eat while talking, accompanied by laughter full of joy. 

    The event ran smoothly until it was finished. thanks for reading, don't forget to wait for other exciting iftar blogs from EFEC's... 

Happy fasting ramadhan 1444 H.

Monday, 10 April 2023


    `EFEC ON THE ROAD: RAMADHAN EDITION program was successfully held in the month of Ramadan 1444 H. The program was carried out to fill the time of Ramadan with positive activities. Prior to the main event which will be held on 09 April 2023, EFEC will first open donations from 05 April - 07 April 2023. The donations will be in the form of cash, which will be used for the event on 09 April 2023.

Let's first find out what EFEC ON THE ROAD is:

    EFEC ON THE ROAD: RAMADHAN EDITION is one of the programs owned by the Public Relations division at EFEC, which is held in the month of Ramadan. It is a form of EFEC's concern for the community.

    The activity carried out at EFEC ON THE ROAD: RAMADHAN EDITION this year was to provide food for breaking the fast to the people around the Pasar Pagi Arengka intersection. The food was distributed to the community and those who passed on the road. The form of food provided was porridge, bread, and mineral water. Activities began at 16.30 WIB, with the packing of porridge, bread, and mineral water, followed by distribution to the community around the simpang Pasar Pagi Arengka. The food was given to help fill the stomachs of motorists who were still passing by at the time of breaking the fast. 

    EFEC ON THE ROAD: RAMADHAN EDITION activity was coordinated by Indra Rusydi, who is also part of the Public Relations Division. Indra was also assisted by several other EFEC members, such as the head of the public relations division and several other members.

NUDC (National University Debating Championship) WEBINAR 2023 : "VOICE YOUR NOTIONS WITH CONFIDENCE"

    On april 08 2023, EFEC held a NUDC WEBINAR with the theme "voice your notions with confidence". NUDC WEBINAR is: one of the programs owned by the English talent division at EFEC. with the  aim of sharing information about NUDC and tips and tricks to become confident and qualified debaters. 

    This event will be held on April 8, 2023 from 08.30 - 12.30 and will be held online via zoom meeting.This webinar was hosted by brother Geremy Joy Napitupulu and sister Jessica. 

    This 2023 nudc webinar activity was coordinated by Nashirah Najla Ramsa. Najla is not alone, she is also assisted by other efec members such as the head of English Talent division and other members. There is a lot that can be obtained in this nudc webinar such as 

* E-certificate, 

* Knowledge, and 

* Experience.

Enviromental Realization: "We Take Care of Nature, Nature Takes Care of Us: Reducing the Risk of Flood Disasters by Respecting the Environment"

Enviromental Realization: "We Take Care of Nature, Nature Takes Care of Us: Reducing the Risk of Flood Disasters by Respecting the Envi...