Monday, 18 September 2023

Unlocking Opportunities: “EFEC’s Entrepreneur and EFEST’s Funding Division Collaboration at Riau University PKKMB Orientation"

    From the 10th to the 12th of August 2023, PKKMB activities took place at the University of Riau. During this event, the Entrepreneur Division used the opportunity to execute one of their work programs, which involved selling products. The purpose of this activity was to boost EFEST's funding. In this endeavor, the Entrepreneurs collaborated with Funding Efest, which had previously partnered with the Dear Waffle business to promote and sell its products.


    The products we offered for sale included waffles from Dear Waffle, as well as various products from Nutrihub, such as Nutrisari, Lokalate, and Hilo. This activity was conducted in two different locations: around the Dean's Building on the 11th and in the Open Space on the 12th, running from morning to evening.

    The waffle sales could be said quite successful because we attracted a significant number of waffle enthusiasts, resulting in long queues. This proved to be highly beneficial, particularly in increasing funding for EFEST. Consequently, the committee had to restock the waffle dough. Furthermore, SCs and EFEC Commissioners joined in to liven up the sales stand of the Entrepreneur and Funding divisions.

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