Wednesday, 8 November 2023



Happy Anniversary EFEC! 
    EFEC is turning 37 on the 10th October 2023. Efec was born in 10 October 1986 and for celebrating the anniversary of efec we agreed to choose a theme that’s “37TH YEARS OF EFEC: THE NEXT JOURNEY TO CREATE GOLDEN GENERATION” with hope that this 37th anniversary will be a new journey to create 10 outstanding figures. EFEC keep growing to be a bigger organization to provide space for the students of the Faculty of Economy and Bussiness of University of Riau to improve their knowledge and skills especially in the English language field. 

    For the 37th anniversary, EFEC held it on the October 15th 2023 and was attended by the 3rd Vice Dean of Economics and Business Faculty, Student Governor of Economics and Business Faculty, Leader of Student Counsil Economics and Business Faculty, Representative of the organization around Economics and Business Faculty, members of EFEC and newbies of EFEC. The anniversary celebration was very fun by adding a lot of interactive shows and game with the participants. In the future, EFEC hopes for the better growth both for the organization and for the individual self of EFEC members.

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