Thursday, 11 January 2024

Family Gathering X ACT 2 : " Making Memories, Breaking The Distance"

    Famgath or Family Gathering is a togetherness activity specifically designed to create and build chemistry and closeness between EFEC members. Each period, EFEC always holds Famgath twice, namely at the beginning of the period which was held in April and also which just took place on December 3rd 2023 in Alam Mayang.


    This year's Famgath has the theme "Making Memories, Breaking the Distance" and it is hoped that all members and also newbies who have just joined EFEC can build good relationships with each other. In this activity, of course, there are lots of games played, such as rubber band relay, water balloon toss, flour relay, tug of war, and many other games that can strengthen EFEC members. 

    Not only Famgath, ACT or Actuating, Coaching and Training activities were also carried out. Where this activity is an activity to provide provisions regarding the topic that will be discussed from a resource person to all EFEC members. The resource person at ACT II was Mikhael Suryadinata, Chairman of EFEC 2023/2024. Where on this occasion the resource person provided material regarding conflict management and also regarding trials.


    The enthusiasm and enthusiasm of all members is very burning because this activity is designed to relieve fatigue at college and also within the organization. In accordance with the chosen theme, it is hoped that all members can always create beautiful memories while at EFEC. 

    ACT activities are also expected to provide good feedback to each member so that they can resolve conflicts well, both inside and outside the organization. Each member is also expected to understand the flow of the proceedings for the end of period closing activities, namely the Grand Summit which will be held in February 2024.


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