These are some sort of very commonly asked questions to EFEC FE UR from all times. Please read each and every one of it to avoid any similar question in the future^^

Q: What is EFEC?
A: An organization in Economic Faculty of Riau University that based on English.

Q: Does it mean i need to be good at English to join this organization?
A: No, you don't. We can learn together.

Q: What does it take for us to be able to join EFEC?
A: Simply, your passion and desire to learn and improve your english skill and also organization capabilities.

Q: So, even if my english is bad. I can still join EFEC?
A: Yes, you can. As long as you want to study more.

Q: How to join EFEC?
A: Just do whatever it takes in our open recruitment.

Q: I missed the Open Recruitment of EFEC. Can i still join?
A: You can still be a part of us by following our agendas and coming frequently to our basecamp. But every mistake has its own consequences, right? Thus, your name wouldn't be on the Official SK of EFEC for the current period until the next inauguration.

Q: What do i gotta do once i've became the member of efec?
A: Commit yourself and give your best to this organization.

Q: To be more spesific?
A: Depends on which division you belong to.

Q: What if one day i can't come to one of EFEC Agendas? Will i get a penalty?
A: You will not if that happens for a reasonable thing.

Q: Will i get my english improved if i join EFEC?
A: If you take every class seriously, you will.

Q: So, basically, EFEC will help me to improve my English?
A: Actually, this organization is more likely to gather people who have a same interest and put them altogether in a place we called as community. Yes, EFEC will try to improve your english by some programs which we already provided but what matters the most is organization capabilities.

Q: So, EFEC isn't all about english? 
A: We use english as our media unlike any other organization. We are more concerned on English skill in creating a good organization. That's the easiest way to explain how we are.

Q: Will i automatically pass toefl test once i joined EFEC? Or will i get straight A in English Class by joining EFEC?
A: Definitely, no. Joining us won't affect your grades unless you're working for it. Yes, EFEC will help you in studying, but whatever you will get for your grades will still depend on you.

Q: What makes EFEC different from any other organizations?
A: We are the one and only organization that uses english as our media.

Guess those all for now ^^ But these will be updated if there's any other question. We wish it will enlighten your knowledge about us and erase your confusion. If you have any other question just drop it below on the comment section⤵

EFEC: First Step to Get Your Dreams!

mail: efec.feur@gmail.com

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