Wednesday, 8 November 2023

WOMENHOOD : "Break The Silence, Stop The Violence"


    Womanhood is an activity of EFEC's Human Resource Development Division where this activity focuses on the activities of fellow women in EFEC. This activity is routinely carried out within EFEC to increase solidarity among EFEC female members, newbies and alumni. In the womenhood held on October 25, 2023 at the Open Space Universitas Riau with the theme "Break the silence, Stop the Violence". This discussion, sharing and caring activity carries the theme of Sexual Harassment due to the large and increasing cases of sexual violence that occur both within the University of Riau and in Indonesia. Cecilia Paramita as Head of Human Resource Development Division became a speaker in this sharing and caring activity. In addition to providing material that focuses on sexual violence, the members were also given knowledge and also ways to prevent sexual violence that was around. In addition to avoiding us becoming victims of sexual violence, this activity also prevents us from becoming one of the perpetrators of sexual violence. It is hoped that the implementation of this activity can make fellow members become more familiar and also gain more knowledge about sexual violence and also prevent sexual violence.

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