Wednesday, 8 November 2023



    EFEC Goes To Panti is a mandatory social program organized by EFEC's Public Relations division and Education division. This activity was carried out on November 4, 2023 with a starting time of 10 am at the As-Showah Orphanage and is located on Jln. Merpati, Panam.  The concept of EFEC Goes To Panti begins with remarks by EFEC Alumni, Chairman of EFEC, Project Leader of EFEC Goes To Panti, and remarks from the As-Showah Orphanage.

    After the speeches, the session continued with singing songs in English and watching a short movie that has valuable meaning. This activity was carried out until prayer time arrived. Friends who are Muslims and orphanage children perform worship. After finishing the prayer, the next activity was eating together. While eating together, there were small conversations between the children and the committee. 
    As time passed, it was time to learn English. Learning English is taught by the Education division which is then called the "English Class" session. There are 3 materials taught with the same time estimation, namely English Alphabet, names of objects around, and names of colors. Every time the material is delivered, there will be games that train the children's knowledge about the material taught.
And so on. After finishing the teaching session and playing with games, then the distribution of basic necessities, certificates, and group photos. The Public Relations Division and Education Division worked well together to make this event a success.
    EFEC GOES TO PANTI aims to increase the sense of solidarity towards underprivileged children and foster a sense of sympathy to help each other, especially among teenagers today.


EFEST (ENGLISH FESTIVAL) 2023 : "Harmony Of Culture, English As A Bridge"

    EFEST (English Festival) is the biggest annual event held by EFEC FEB Riau University. The aim of holding EFEST is to accommodate students and pupils who have talent and interest in the field of English language competitions. Every year, EFEC tries to improve so that EFEST can be better. EFEST takes place from October 29 to October 1, 2023, where there are 8 competitions, including speech, storytelling, news anchor, debate, solo song, acoustic, essay, and poster.

  • The debate competition aims to train people to be able to argue correctly and with weight, as well as train critical thinking.
  • The speech competition aims to train students to be able to give speeches correctly and persuasively.
  • A news anchor is useful for training participants to speak in front of the camera as if they were a news anchor and for training how to ensure that the news conveyed can really be received correctly by listeners.
  • Storytelling aims for participants to learn how to tell stories in an interesting and not boring way.
  • The aim of a solo song is to train participants to sing with the correct technique in front of an audience.
  • Acoustic aims to perform a song with a new arrangement. This competition also trains teamwork.
  • The poster aims to train participants' imagination and creativity.
  • The essay aims to make participants understand how to express ideas and arguments through writing.

    The opening ceremony with Vina Muliana was held at PKM Gobah Unri on October 29, 2023. In the afternoon, we held pre-elimination I and pre-elimination II rounds for the debate competition.

    On October 30, in the morning, a pre-elimination III debate was held and continued with the elimination, semifinal, and final rounds. In the afternoon, there was also a storytelling competition and a solo song semifinal. On October 31, 2023, the solo song final, storytelling final, and acoustic final will be held.

    The series of English Festival events closed with a closing ceremony on November 1, 2023, offline in front of One Alumni Coffee and also online via Zoom meeting.

    The event from October 30 to November 1 was held in front of One Alumni Coffee. The committee also applies ticketing at IDR 5,000 for outside parties who want to enter the event area. Around the competition area, there are many bazaar stands (17 stands). The committee also set up a games corner stand that can be enjoyed by competition participants, committee members, and the general public. For those who buy tickets, they can try the games corner for free twice. For those who don't buy tickets, they have to pay again if they want to try the games corner.

    From a series of events held by the committee, it is hoped that participants and the general public can really enjoy them. It is hoped that EFEST can be a safe and comfortable place for participants who want to try to excel in the field of English.

EPODS 2 : "Following The Flow Or Making The Flow"


    EPODS, or what is known as EFEC PODCAST, is a public relations division work program that discusses lectures. EPODS already has two episodes: EPODS 1 discusses how to get a scholarship with sources who have experience getting scholarships. EPODS 2 still discusses lectures with the theme Following the Flow or Making the Flow. This episode discusses students, especially new students, who are confused: should they go with the flow or create a flow? The discussion was about how to maximize our time in lectures, whether we should follow what other people follow, or the term FOMO, or whether we already have our own flow or plan. EPODS 2 will be held on September 16, 2023, at NutriHub Pekanbaru.

EPODS : "Tips And Trick How To Get A Scholarship"


    This first podcast program discusses scholarships, where the resource person is an EFEC alumni himself, namely M. Adzan Ramadhan. The purpose of podcast episode 1 is to provide information to students about scholarships, such as the Tanoto scholarship, superior scholarships, and so on. Don't forget to share tips and tricks for registering for scholarships, such as tips and tricks for writing essays and tips and tricks for making CVs. In essence, E-Pods (EFEC Podcast) is a forum for providing education to many people. 

    This podcast is published on EFEC's own YouTube.This first podcast program discusses scholarships, where the resource person is an EFEC alumni himself, namely M. Adzan Ramadhan. The purpose of podcast episode 1 is to provide information to students about scholarships, such as the Tanoto scholarship, superior scholarships, and so on. Don't forget to share tips and tricks for registering for scholarships, such as tips and tricks for writing essays and tips and tricks for making CVs. In essence, E-Pods (EFEC Podcast) is a forum for providing education to many people. This podcast is published on EFEC's own YouTube.



    EFEC offers several classes for its members, one of which is the English Class. The English Class is conducted by the Educational Division and aims to improve students' abilities in English, including grammar, vocabulary, speaking, listening, and writing. Currently, the Educational Division has opened the English Class to all students at Riau University for a total of 10 meetings. The meetings are held offline on Saturdays and online on Sundays. The classes are led by our former executive from the last period, Siti Ammara, who serves as the tutor. The class is both enjoyable and beneficial. We hope the class can reach more students, especially those in the Economics and Business Faculty, to enhance the prestige of both the faculty and the university by cultivating students with strong English skills.

WOMENHOOD : "Break The Silence, Stop The Violence"


    Womanhood is an activity of EFEC's Human Resource Development Division where this activity focuses on the activities of fellow women in EFEC. This activity is routinely carried out within EFEC to increase solidarity among EFEC female members, newbies and alumni. In the womenhood held on October 25, 2023 at the Open Space Universitas Riau with the theme "Break the silence, Stop the Violence". This discussion, sharing and caring activity carries the theme of Sexual Harassment due to the large and increasing cases of sexual violence that occur both within the University of Riau and in Indonesia. Cecilia Paramita as Head of Human Resource Development Division became a speaker in this sharing and caring activity. In addition to providing material that focuses on sexual violence, the members were also given knowledge and also ways to prevent sexual violence that was around. In addition to avoiding us becoming victims of sexual violence, this activity also prevents us from becoming one of the perpetrators of sexual violence. It is hoped that the implementation of this activity can make fellow members become more familiar and also gain more knowledge about sexual violence and also prevent sexual violence.



Happy Anniversary EFEC! 
    EFEC is turning 37 on the 10th October 2023. Efec was born in 10 October 1986 and for celebrating the anniversary of efec we agreed to choose a theme that’s “37TH YEARS OF EFEC: THE NEXT JOURNEY TO CREATE GOLDEN GENERATION” with hope that this 37th anniversary will be a new journey to create 10 outstanding figures. EFEC keep growing to be a bigger organization to provide space for the students of the Faculty of Economy and Bussiness of University of Riau to improve their knowledge and skills especially in the English language field. 

    For the 37th anniversary, EFEC held it on the October 15th 2023 and was attended by the 3rd Vice Dean of Economics and Business Faculty, Student Governor of Economics and Business Faculty, Leader of Student Counsil Economics and Business Faculty, Representative of the organization around Economics and Business Faculty, members of EFEC and newbies of EFEC. The anniversary celebration was very fun by adding a lot of interactive shows and game with the participants. In the future, EFEC hopes for the better growth both for the organization and for the individual self of EFEC members.



    Online visit between EFEC UNRI and EFEC UNSOED, which discussed their respective organizations and continued conversations about the MoU. The purpose of the meeting is to form written cooperation. In 2022, an offline meeting was held between EFEC UNRI and EFEC UNSOED, and this year it continues the idea of cooperation that was discussed simply at the 2022 offline meeting.


    Debate class is an event from English Talent Division that held from Saturday 1st July 2023 via google meeting. Debate class is held online with 4 meetings. Why we choose Debate class as one of the program that we hold? Because we believe as a college student, it's really important for us to know how to make a good argument, how to critics with a good manner, and how to have an analytical thinking. From this class, we hope can gain enthusiast from the FEB students to become more and more interest in debate competition. 

1. The introduction of British parliamentary debate

This material discusses what the British system is, how it differs from the Asian system, the roles in the British system and their order, and so on.

2. How to make an argument

Discussing, starting from definitions, status quo, actors, time frames, and so on.

3. How to do a rebuttal

Discussing tips and tricks for making the correct rebuttal

4. Practice

In this session, the team immediately practiced the British parliamentary debate.

Enviromental Realization: "We Take Care of Nature, Nature Takes Care of Us: Reducing the Risk of Flood Disasters by Respecting the Environment"

Enviromental Realization: "We Take Care of Nature, Nature Takes Care of Us: Reducing the Risk of Flood Disasters by Respecting the Envi...