Wednesday, 6 November 2024

English Festival 2024

 English Festival 2024

English Festival 2024 was held successfully on 13th - 16th October 2024, at Aula dang Merdu PT BRK Syariah for the Talkshow and FEB UNRI Yudicium Buildfing Courtyard for the Competition. English Festival 2024 is an Annual Biggest Event by EFEC under English Talent Divison. English Festival 2024 Was Separated into 2 Event such as, Talkshow and Competition with Bazaar. For the Talkshow We Invited Enrique Owen, One of the Well-Known Influencer in the IISMA Program. This Year, English Festival 2024 Managed to Get Over 300 Talkshow Participant and Over 500.             

With the Theme "Sustainability and Social Impact: Gen Z's Leadership Vision" English Festival 2024 Expected to be The Place for Gen Z to Develop Their Ability to be A future Leader.


On October 13, 2024, the Economics Faculty English Club at Universitas Riau hosted a talk show featuring Enrique Owen as the Guest Star, with the theme "Sustainability and Social Impact: Gen Z's Leadership Vision."

In this session, Enrique Owen shared his insights on leadership, particularly for Gen Z. He also discussed his experiences in organization and education during his time at Universitas Gadjah Mada and the University of Pennsylvania.

After the talk show, VIP participants had the opportunity to engage in a photo session with Enrique Owen.

English Festival 2024 is thrilled to have Enrique Owen as this year’s Guest Star.

Selling Takjil by ENTREPRENEUR

 Selling Takjil Entrepreneur of EFEC

EFEC's Entrepreneur presents to you their innovative "ES SUSU SEMANGKA🍉" and "ES MELON JELLY" as refreshing drinks to fulfill your thirst in the month of Ramadhan.

🗓️ : Every Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday in the month of Ramadhan
⏱️ : 16.00-18.30 PM
📍 : Bangau Sakti St., Food court, in front of FEB UNRI's gate

Inauguration & Upgrading of EFEC Period 2024/2025

 Inauguration and Upgrading
EFEC Period 2024/2025
"Revolutionizing Horizons: A New Chapter of EFEC"

Inauguration and Upgrading of EFEC Period 2024/2025 took place in Yudicium Building of FEB Universitas Riau on March 17, 2024.

Inauguration is an exciting moment marking the beginning of a new era for EFEC, where we officially welcome new leaders to embark on the mission of success together. Meanwhile, Upgrading is an event where we hold in-depth discussion sessions between past and present EFEC teams to strategize towards optimal management.

ECONOMICS FACULTY ENGLISH CLUB (EFEC) Period 2024/2025: Organizational Structure


Economics Faculty English Club (EFEC) Period 2024: Organizational Structure

Economics Faculty English Club or EFEC is a semi-Autonomous Organization (LSO) in Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Riau. Established on October 10, 1986 with a purpose improving English skill with a friendly environment and as a place to develop organizational skills for Faculty of Economics and Business students. The same ambition to spread the spirit of learning English for students makes this organization survive and grow every year.

Vision and Mission

Vision: Making a superior, advanced, and competitive forum for developing English language skills for Faculty of Economics and Business students and oriented towards the development of science and technology to be ready face the era Society 5.0.


  • Improve English Skills: Facilitate programs to enhance students’ English fluency and accuracy. 
  • Foster Competitiveness: Create a competitive atmosphere for excellence locally and globally. 
  • Build Leadership: Promote leadership and teamwork through active participation. Aim to focus on new ideas by encouraging everyone to think creatively, behave professionally, try new things, and look ahead with English skill
Organizational Structure of EFEC Period 2024/2025

A. Executive
  • Chairman

Chairil Randy Nurrahman from Economics 2022.

  • Vice Chairman

Wikel Nofiantoro from Management 2022.

  • Secretary

Haniifah Nabiilah from Economics 2022 as the General Secertary
Liharti from Management 2022 as the Vice General Secretary

  • Protocoler

Meylani from Accounting 2022 as the Protocoler
  • Treasury

Mesy Natalia TB from Accounting 2022 as the General Treasury
Nashirah Najla Ramsa from Accounting 2022 as the Vice General Treasury

B. Head of Division
  • Human Resource Development

Adelima Dasopang from Accounting 2022

  • Public Relation

Afina Salsabila from Management 2022

  • English Talent

Nabila Rahmah Arya from Accounting 2022

  • Educational

Azzahra Rizkha from Management 2022

  • Entrepreneur

Mutiara Febriani from Accounting 2022

  • Media

Hibban Nufail Labiqa from Management 2022

Saturday, 11 May 2024

NUDC Seminar 2024

National University Debating Championship Seminar
"A Roadmap to NUDC Victory"

NUDC Seminar was successfully held on 12th May 2024. NUDC Seminar is an annual event from the English Talent division of EFEC FEB UNRI with the aim of increasing the understanding of the British Parliamentary Debate system among EFEC members, FEB students at Riau University, and students throughout regional level.

This seminar is open for public in the regional level. NUDC Seminar with the theme "A Roadmap to NUDC Victory" is expected to prepare all of the participants to become the next champions in NUDC. The event began with the delivery of material by the amazing speakers, QnA session, and closed with a fun and exciting Quiz session.

Thursday, 11 January 2024

Family Gathering X ACT 2 : " Making Memories, Breaking The Distance"

    Famgath or Family Gathering is a togetherness activity specifically designed to create and build chemistry and closeness between EFEC members. Each period, EFEC always holds Famgath twice, namely at the beginning of the period which was held in April and also which just took place on December 3rd 2023 in Alam Mayang.


    This year's Famgath has the theme "Making Memories, Breaking the Distance" and it is hoped that all members and also newbies who have just joined EFEC can build good relationships with each other. In this activity, of course, there are lots of games played, such as rubber band relay, water balloon toss, flour relay, tug of war, and many other games that can strengthen EFEC members. 

    Not only Famgath, ACT or Actuating, Coaching and Training activities were also carried out. Where this activity is an activity to provide provisions regarding the topic that will be discussed from a resource person to all EFEC members. The resource person at ACT II was Mikhael Suryadinata, Chairman of EFEC 2023/2024. Where on this occasion the resource person provided material regarding conflict management and also regarding trials.


    The enthusiasm and enthusiasm of all members is very burning because this activity is designed to relieve fatigue at college and also within the organization. In accordance with the chosen theme, it is hoped that all members can always create beautiful memories while at EFEC. 

    ACT activities are also expected to provide good feedback to each member so that they can resolve conflicts well, both inside and outside the organization. Each member is also expected to understand the flow of the proceedings for the end of period closing activities, namely the Grand Summit which will be held in February 2024.


Tuesday, 9 January 2024


    The Study Visit between EFEC UNRI and UKBA UNP was held with the intention of getting to know each other's related organizations. After the conversation about each organization, a discussion of future cooperation followed. The purpose of this meeting is to form a collaboration that will be continued next year in written form, namely the MoU.

    The meeting began with opening remarks from the chairpersons of each organization. The EFEC Chair expressed his gratitude and appreciation for welcoming the UKBA. The speech of the Chairperson of UKBA expressed his gratitude and appreciation for the arrival of EFEC UNRI.

    After the speeches were completed, presentations related to each organization continued with unlimited time because the essence of this meeting was also to get to know each other. The first presentation was started by UKBA UNP. UKBA UNP explained the structure, goals, and achievements of its organization. The second presentation was by EFEC UNRI, which was more or less the same as the presentation delivered by UKBA UNP.

    After each institution introduced its organization, a question and answer session followed. In this session, there was great enthusiasm, followed by jokes that provided a warm atmosphere. Each organization asked questions and responded with answers. All conversations were very meaningful and it turned out to be much more familiar through this question and answer session.

    After the question and answer session was over, there was a discussion on cooperation led by the respective Public Relations divisions of the two organizations. One plan after another was drawn up, starting with EFEC's desire to invite UKBA to be a speaker at EFEC's activities on Debate and also UKBA's desire to invite speakers from EFEC on Money Management. It was a great discussion of cooperation.

    In the discussion, UKBA UNP and EFEC UNRI found an agreement to look for ideas for cooperation by grouping the management in one group. For example, the UKBA HRD will discuss with the EFEC HRD, and so on, in order to find a really good and meaningful collaboration.

    After we finished talking about future collaborations, we continued by making a video introducing snacks typical of each province which was uploaded on EFEC's social media. After the introduction of the specialty snacks, lunch followed.

    After lunch, UKBA and EFEC played a light game of Uno. The game was very exciting, filled with laughter and jokes. It was a meeting that will always be missed.

    This year's meeting is planned to continue next year, but in the form of an online visit. During the meeting a written MoU will be ratified.




    Do you know how important English is? Do you really want to learn English? Do you know how to start learning English? If not, you are our target in this sharing session.


    This sharing session was sponsored by the English Talent division in order to expand awareness regarding the importance of English in the era of globalization.  The theme of this sharing session is "Mastering English: Skill Up, Speak out, Stand out!". What this means is that we have to practice English language skills, both speaking, writing and listening. We also have to dare to speak English in daily life. This is so that we can get used to it (nb: the key to being fluent in English is practice). If we get used to it, then over time we can become people whose English language skills stand out more than others.

    The speakers for this sharing session were Tamara Geraldina Pricillia (Head of English Talent EFEC FEB UNRI) and Wifa (HRD Chasing Dreams Pekanbaru). Activities were carried out via live Instagram @efec_febur, @kejarmpi.pekanbaru and one of the speaker's accounts @tamarajaee. It lasts for one and a half hours (19.00 - 20.30).

 The activity began with the speakers answering questions that had been designed by the moderator, then answering and providing opinions regarding the Google form related to English language experiences which had been distributed to EFEC & Kejar Mimpi Pekanbaru members, then the speakers also answered questions from the chat column during live IG, and closed with documentation session.

We hope hat this sharing session can make people more aware of the importance of English and can also be a motivation for them to have the courage to START learning English from now on.

Enviromental Realization: "We Take Care of Nature, Nature Takes Care of Us: Reducing the Risk of Flood Disasters by Respecting the Environment"

Enviromental Realization: "We Take Care of Nature, Nature Takes Care of Us: Reducing the Risk of Flood Disasters by Respecting the Envi...