Monday, 19 September 2016

EFEC ATT (Academic & Talent Test)

So, technically, ATT is the second step that each student has to take if they really want to join EFECLet's call them with EFEC noobs from this point☺(A/N: Noob=Newbies)
Secara teknis, ATT adalah step kedua yang harus dilalui semua newbie EFEC.

Just like its name, ATT is the section where EFEC noobs have to take an academic test and also talent test. This however helped us, all the EFEC Armies, in getting to know them better, right from what they can do till what they are capable of. 
Sesuai dengan namanya, ATT adalah suatu seksi dimana semua newbie harus melewati test akademis dan test bakat. Yang mana test ini akan membantu para member EFEC atau EFEC Army untuk mengenal mereka lebih dekat lagi. Sehingga kita bisa tahu nih apa-apa aja yang bisa mereka lalukan dan apa kemampuan mereka. Seru ya? :D

And tho', ATT was a day late but much to our surprise, majority of EFEC noobs had properly prepared themselves for the talent test! :D
Dan walaupun ATTnya telat sehari, namun diluar dugaan, rata-rata para newbie mempersiapkan diri mereka dengan baik loh untuk test bakatnya! :D

(And if admin could add it, i, myself, will say that i was totally impressed by their talents!)

Let's start from the beginning.
So, academic test was the first section all the newbies have to go through. This test was held in the BEM FE Building and led by one EFEC Army. 
Oke, mulai dari awal! Jadi test akademis adalah yang pertama yang harus mereka lewati. Test ini dilaksanakan di dalam aula BEM yang dikomandoi oleh salah satu EFEC army.

In this academic test, however, they had to answer some questions and wrote it on their papers after listening to the recorder.
Test akademis ini mengharuskan mereka menjawab pertanyaan yang diberikan setelah mendengar rekaman.

See how serious their faces were while taking the test :D
Lihat wajah-wajah serius ini :D 

This academic test was meant to let EFEC understand their skill in English. By taking this test, we wish to see their ability or their weakness, so we could help them to develope or improve their english skill in any way.
Tes akademis ini dimaksudkan agar EFEC bisa memahami kemampuan mereka dalam berbahasa Inggris. Melalui tes ini juga, kita, EFEC, berharap bisa melihat kemampuan dan kelemahan mereka sehingga kita bisa membantu para newbie untuk mengasah kemampuannya ataupun memperbaiki kelemahan mereka dalam berbahasa Inggris.

Next and the most fun test is....
Yea, EFEC gotta admit that we're totally impressed by the various talents which they had perfomed today! That was so entertaining! Fabulous! Superb! If only we could, we would have put every word to show our excitement.
Setelahnya dan yang paling seru adalah Tes Bakat! :D EFEC sangat terkesan loh dengan beragam bakat yang mereka miliki. EFEC juga terhibur dengan penampilan-penampilan mereka dalam seksi unjuk bakat ini. 

Cause, let's state it all; singing, traditional dancing, drawing, reading poems, acting, rapping, playing musical instrument and also martial arts! Weren't those too much to be asked? :'))
Sebut saja; menyanyi, menari traditional, menggambar, baca puisi, akting, rapping, mainin alat musik sampe seni bela diri! Banyak banget kan?!

Talent test was held along the L Hallway and was done by two judges for each noob to give the assessment of their perfomance. Test Bakat ini diadakan di sepanjang lorong L dan dilaksanakan oleh masing-masing dua juri untuk setiap newbie yang akan menilai pertunjukan bakat mereka.

We didn't even realize that the judges were mostly the girls from EFEC :D
Gak disadari ternyata para juri kebanyakan dari member cewek EFEC, nih :D


Apparently there was not only talent test, but also entrepreneur division who opened their selling stall whereever they could :D 
Rupanya bukan cuma tes bakat tuh, tapi ada divisi entrepreneur juga  yang buka lapak dimana pun mereka bisa :D

The spirit of Entrepreneur Division
As long as there will be buyers, hehehe.
Yang penting selama ada calon pembelinya, hehe

EFEC Noobs did their best in perfoming their talents.
EFEC Noobs did their best in perfoming their talents.

Eventho', they was kinda shy at the first time, but judges encouraged them to perform their talents. Show must go on, anyways!;)
Walaupun para newbie EFEC ini agak malu-malu awalnya, tapi para juri berhasil nyemangatin mereka untuk menampilkan bakatnya. Pertunjukan harus tetap berjalan,dong! ;)

Singing, acting, story telling..
Nyanyi, Akting sampe story telling..

Traditional dancing

Traditional dancing: we really appreciated her preparation altho' her laptop broke down and she had to count her steps by herself.
Tari tradisional. EFEC sangat menghargai persiapan newbie yang satu ini, nih. Walaupun laptopnya rusak dan dia harus menghitung langkah menarinya sendiri.

One of the most impressive talent that stole everyones attention:
Salah satu bakat yang paling bikin EFEC Army terkesan dan mencuri perhatian.
Playing musical instrument; harmonica
Playing musical instrument; harmonica
There were still so many talents like singing as trio, acting that we forgot to take the picture of as we're too engrossed watching their performance. :D
Masih ada banyak bakat lain sebenarnya yang para newbie tampilkan; menyanyi secara trio, akting dll. yang para EFEC Army sampai lupa abadikan saking asyiknya menyaksikan penampilan mereka. :D

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