Thursday, 3 November 2016

Regulations & Requirements

Regulations & Requirements of English Festival 2016


  • Open registration for SHS and college students
  • Using Asia Parliamentary System
  • The quota is max. 15 teams for SHS students and 15 teams for college students
  • Each team consists of 3 members
  • The event consists of 3-5 rounds
  • Each participant using a polite and neat clothes during the competition
  • Contest will be held on 8th and 10th of Dec 2016
  • Registration fee is IDR 150k per team
1st, 2nd and 3rd Winner= Trophy+Certificate+Money
Best Speakers= Certificate

  • Open registration for SHS and college students
  • Maximum 15 participants for each category.
  • Contest will be held on 8th of Dec 2016
  • Each participant using a neat and formal clothes
  • The theme is "globalize the culture through English as international language"
  • The duration of each participant to perform is 7 minute
  • The registration fee is IDR 50k per person.
1st, 2nd and 3rd Winner= Trophy+Certificate+Money 

  • Open registration for general participants
  • Each team consists of 10 members
  • participants answer the question individually
  • Contest will be held on 9th of Dec 2016
  • The registration fee is IDR 150k per team
Winner= Trophy+Certificate+Money
Favorite Team= Doorprize

  • Open registration for SHS students only
  • Words should be in Oxford Advanced Dictionary
  • Contest will be held on 9th of Dec 2016
  • The registration fee is IDR 35k per person 
Winner= Trophy+Certificate+Money

  • Open registration for general participants
  • Each group consists of max. 5 members
  • Participants can't have multiple group
  • The choice of songs are given by the committees, there are:
1.Love Your Self (Justin Bieber)
2. Don’t let me down (The Chainsmoker)
3. Stitches (Swan Mendes)
4. Roar (Katty Perry)
5. We don’t talk anymore (Charlie Puth and Selena Gomez)
6. Secret love song (Fifth Harmony)
7. Closer (The Chainsmoker)

  • Committees only provide 2 microfons, 1 guitar, 1 bass, and a cajon. Participants are allowed to bring other instruments
  • Assessment criteria : harmonization, performance, originality in music, on time
  • Contest will be held on 9th of Dec 2016
  • The registration fee is IDR 150k per group
1st, 2nd and 3rd Winner: Trophy+Certificate+Money 

  • Open registration for every visitor of English Festival'16 (FREE)
  • Each participant can upload only one picture (taken in english festival location)
  • Participants should have followed instagram account of @efec_feur, @efec_englishfestival and also @efec_shop
  • Tag the picture to those instagram accounts with the most creative caption (in english) and HashTag #selfiecontestEFEC #englishfestival2016ofEFEC and #EFECfeur
  • Write creative caption in English
  • Contest will be held on 8th-10th of December 2016
  • assessment criteria : the creativity of the picture, caption, picture quality
Winner= Money

  • Open registration for general participants consist of individual and team(max. 5 members)
  • The theme for costume is free
  • Maximum 30 participants
  • assessment criteria : the detail of costume, performance, the comprehension of the character, audiens enthusiasm, cosplayer creativity
  • Contest will be held on 10th of November 2016
  • The registration fee is IDR 60k per person. And for team IDR 60k per member

1st, 2nd and 3rd Winner: Trophy+Certificate+Money

1. The forms can be taken at BEM FE UR building or do the registration online at
2. Photos (3x4) should be attached with the form (except for Rangking 1).
3. The participants must submit photocopy of the student card or letter of recommendation the school at the time of registration
4. Each participants of the contest must send a representative to attend technical meeting
5. Registration fee payment can be done at BEM FE UR Building or by transfering money to MANDIRI 108-00-1112683-7 a.n. Sintia Maramis and send the payment evidence to
6. Registration and payment due are on 1st of December 2016.
7. Technical Meeting will be held on 4th of December 2016.
8. All participants will get certificate.
9. Participants will be disqualified if there's no confirmation.

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