Friday, 26 May 2023



family gathering x ACT x ELD EFEC 2023 with the theme "Reuniting The Past, Shaping The Future, Having Fun With English!"

This event will be held on May 21, 2023 at the UNRI Campground.

This event was coordinated by :

PL FAMGATH : Wikel Nofiantoro

PL ACT : Andre

PL ELD : Serina gabriela

Who was assisted by other EFEC members.

The first event held was ATC (actuating, coaching and training) which was attended by Ms. Felin as the speaker. 

The second activity is the Family Gathering. The Family Gathering is an event designed to strengthen ties among EFEC members. This activity is filled with various interesting contests, such as balloon dragon snakes, puzzle finding, flour relay, and more.

The last event, namely ELD (English Language Day), focused on honing our English skills through tongue twisters and other activities.

What was unique about this event was that we wore headbands featuring various characters, such as tigers, cows, elephants, and foxes.

This event was incredibly fun and, at the same time, provided us with valuable knowledge. It also strengthened the bonds of brotherhood among EFEC members

Wednesday, 10 May 2023


 On May 06, 2023, EFEC held an MUN WEBINAR with the theme "Create a New Path Towards The Future Through Mun".

MUN WEBINAR is a foundation for developing leadership skills and bringing youth together to learn and share ideas from a diverse set of experiences to create a new path towards the future.

This event was organized by the English Talent division at EFEC and coordinated by Andre Kurniadinata, who was also assisted by other EFEC members, such as the head of the English Talent division and other members.

The event was held online via Zoom meeting and live streaming on YouTube EFEC.

The MUN WEBINAR presented speakers from three countries, namely Sister Annisa Rakhmalya Khairani from Indonesia, who is on the "Board of Directors International MUN (IMUN)", Sister Sevinch Ravshanova from Uzbekistan, who is also the "Country Director of Modern Youth International 6.0", and finally, Sister Jomayca M. Rivas from the Philippines, who is also the "Most Outstanding Delegate of Nexus MUN (UNDP and ECOFIN)".

There is a lot that can be obtained from this MUN WEBINAR, such as an e-certificate, knowledge, and experience.

Enviromental Realization: "We Take Care of Nature, Nature Takes Care of Us: Reducing the Risk of Flood Disasters by Respecting the Environment"

Enviromental Realization: "We Take Care of Nature, Nature Takes Care of Us: Reducing the Risk of Flood Disasters by Respecting the Envi...