Friday, 26 May 2023



family gathering x ACT x ELD EFEC 2023 with the theme "Reuniting The Past, Shaping The Future, Having Fun With English!"

This event will be held on May 21, 2023 at the UNRI Campground.

This event was coordinated by :

PL FAMGATH : Wikel Nofiantoro

PL ACT : Andre

PL ELD : Serina gabriela

Who was assisted by other EFEC members.

The first event held was ATC (actuating, coaching and training) which was attended by Ms. Felin as the speaker. 

The second activity is the Family Gathering. The Family Gathering is an event designed to strengthen ties among EFEC members. This activity is filled with various interesting contests, such as balloon dragon snakes, puzzle finding, flour relay, and more.

The last event, namely ELD (English Language Day), focused on honing our English skills through tongue twisters and other activities.

What was unique about this event was that we wore headbands featuring various characters, such as tigers, cows, elephants, and foxes.

This event was incredibly fun and, at the same time, provided us with valuable knowledge. It also strengthened the bonds of brotherhood among EFEC members

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