Friday, 18 November 2016


Salam English Lovers!
Ssup? We have some news for you.
So, please grab your note and read it very carefully...

By considering one and so many things regarding about our biggest event of the year which is called ENGLISH FESTIVAL 2016, EFEC FE UR decided to:

to postpone our event to 8th December 2016.
So you can still have so many days to prepare yourself for the competition :)

to reduce the registration fee of Speech Contest from IDR 80k to IDR 50k per person.
So if you haven't registered yourself, you may as well do it now :)

for those who already paid the fee registration, kindly mention your name here with your email address or hit us up on our mail with this form:
Asal sekolah/instansi:
Kompetisi yang diikuti:
No. Rek:

So, we can send your money back:)

Thanks for reading!

Monday, 7 November 2016


Ketentuan Pendaftaran Online:

1. Isi e-form atau formulir pendaftaran online di
2. Setelah mengisi data, kirimkan pas foto kamu (3x4) dalam bentuk attachment ke dengan subject "English Festival 2016 - (Lomba yang diikuti)"
English Festival 2016-Debate Competition untuk Debate
English Festibal 2016-Speech Contest untuk Speech
English Festival 2016-Scrabble Competition untuk Scrabble
English Festival 2016-Acoustic Competition untuk Acoustic
3. Tunggu email balasan dari kami
4. Lakukan pembayaran ke Basecamp EFEC di Gedung BEM Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Riau atau via transfer ke Rek. MANDIRI 108-00-1112683-7 a.n. Sintia Maramis
Uang pendaftaran:
Debate:      Rp. 150.000/team
Speech:      Rp. 50.000/orang
Scrabble:    Rp. 35.000/orang
Ranking 1: Rp. 150.000/team
Acoustic:   Rp. 150.000/group
Cosplay:    Rp. 60.000/kontes
4. Lampirkan bukti pembayaran (apabila melakukan pembayaran via transfer) ke atau
5. Tunggu email balasan dari kami yang menyatakan registrasimu telah sah dan kamu resmi terdaftar sebagai kontestan.

Thursday, 3 November 2016

Regulations & Requirements

Regulations & Requirements of English Festival 2016


  • Open registration for SHS and college students
  • Using Asia Parliamentary System
  • The quota is max. 15 teams for SHS students and 15 teams for college students
  • Each team consists of 3 members
  • The event consists of 3-5 rounds
  • Each participant using a polite and neat clothes during the competition
  • Contest will be held on 8th and 10th of Dec 2016
  • Registration fee is IDR 150k per team
1st, 2nd and 3rd Winner= Trophy+Certificate+Money
Best Speakers= Certificate

Wednesday, 2 November 2016




"Gobalize the culture through English as International Languange"

Special to celebrate EFEC 30th Anniversary .
🔍Category ;
• Debate (pelajar&mahasiswa)💫
• Speech (pelajar&mahasiswa) 📣
• Ranking 1 (umum) 🙋📋
• Acoustic (umum)🎸🎤
• Selfie contest (umum)📷
• Cosplay competition (umum)👗👒

Save the date 📆
8-10 December 2016
Loc: Yudisium Field of FE UR

23 Oct - 1 Dec 2016
Take the forms at BEM FE UR Building or kindly click on

More info 
📱 Sintia Maramis (0823-8609-6621)
📱Hud Muhammad (0812-6885-8811)

Winner can be you or someone next to you! 😉

.: First Step to Get Your Dream :.

Thursday, 22 September 2016


Pengumuman yang lolos ke tahap interview

1 Addiqa Aqli Alfarishy Accounting
2 Aditya Wahyu Purnama Management
3 Adji Ramadhansyah Management
4 Adzikra Adhi Prasetyo Management
5 Ahrun Naza
6 Ahsanatul Ghina Accounting
7 Almuzzamil  zaki Management
8 Andrian Kaspari Economics Science
9 Anggi Agustin Management
10 Antonius Kurniawan Management
11 Apriyanti Accounting
12 Bambang Ade zulfan Management
13 Deni Harianto
14 Dessy Hartanti Economics Science
15 Devi Ayu Lestari

Monday, 19 September 2016

EFEC ATT (Academic & Talent Test)

So, technically, ATT is the second step that each student has to take if they really want to join EFECLet's call them with EFEC noobs from this point☺(A/N: Noob=Newbies)
Secara teknis, ATT adalah step kedua yang harus dilalui semua newbie EFEC.

Just like its name, ATT is the section where EFEC noobs have to take an academic test and also talent test. This however helped us, all the EFEC Armies, in getting to know them better, right from what they can do till what they are capable of. 
Sesuai dengan namanya, ATT adalah suatu seksi dimana semua newbie harus melewati test akademis dan test bakat. Yang mana test ini akan membantu para member EFEC atau EFEC Army untuk mengenal mereka lebih dekat lagi. Sehingga kita bisa tahu nih apa-apa aja yang bisa mereka lalukan dan apa kemampuan mereka. Seru ya? :D

And tho', ATT was a day late but much to our surprise, majority of EFEC noobs had properly prepared themselves for the talent test! :D

Friday, 16 September 2016


So, from 8th September 2016, We, EFEC had started our Open Recruitment 2016 to give a chance for every student in Economic Faculty of Riau University to join our beloved organization. This chance, however, was opened to every student right from the freshmen until 2014 gent. 
Jadi, mulai tanggal 8 September 2016 kemarin, EFEC FE UR mengadakan Open Recruitmentnya untuk membuka kesempatan kepada para mahasiswa-mahasiswi FEKON di Universitas Riau agar dapat bergabung dalam organisasi yang kita sayangi ini. Kesempatan ini terbuka untuk seluruh mahasiswa-mahasiswi mulai dari yang baru, yakni angkatan 2016 hingga angkatan 2014. 

Also on this occassion, all the armies of EFEC went to introduce our organization to all the freshmen by doing a socialization from a class to class which we called with 'EFEC goes to class'. This was meant to let the new students know about what and who we are, also to let them know that we were currently opening the recruitment for new members that will be a part of us, specially for those who are taking English subject. 

Pada kesempatan ini pula, pengurus-pengurus EFEC juga memperkenalkan organisasi ini kepada seluruh mahasiswa-mahasiswi baru dengan sosialisasi ke kelas-kelas melalui "EFEC Goes to Class" terkhusus untuk teman-teman yang sedang menjalankan mata kuliah bahasa inggris.

 Not only that guyss, us, EFEC also opened a stand under the tree which is likely located in the center of Economic Buildings of Riau University so that would be easier for those who wanna approach us, know about us or maybe take the registrasion form and ask about the regulations.

Gak cuma itu, guyss, EFEC juga membuka stand di bawah pohon yang terletak di titik tengah gedung-gedung Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Riau loh^^  

Sunday, 4 September 2016

Registration Form 2016

NB : Please attach  :  1. "My Contribution For EFEC" ( Bahasa Indonesia, Max 1 page )
                                       2. Attach your pas Photo ( 3 x 4 )

 send that file to our email : with subjec "Attachment online form"

 Rename the file becomes your name

Wednesday, 3 August 2016

Welcome to our blog!

As this is going to be the first post in this blog, we, EFEC, are so glad to welcome all of you who's visiting us.



This blog will contain a lot of beneficial articles such as english learning project; vocabulary, idioms, etc. Also economic articles, stories (maybe), posts of our activities and other post related to our university.

Anyway, kindly thanks for visiting. Hope you enjoy your journey here and stay tuned for the next update! ☺

Enviromental Realization: "We Take Care of Nature, Nature Takes Care of Us: Reducing the Risk of Flood Disasters by Respecting the Environment"

Enviromental Realization: "We Take Care of Nature, Nature Takes Care of Us: Reducing the Risk of Flood Disasters by Respecting the Envi...