So, from 8th September 2016, We, EFEC had started our Open Recruitment 2016 to give a chance for every student in Economic Faculty of Riau University to join our beloved organization. This chance, however, was opened to every student right from the freshmen until 2014 gent.
Jadi, mulai tanggal 8 September 2016 kemarin, EFEC FE UR mengadakan Open Recruitmentnya untuk membuka kesempatan kepada para mahasiswa-mahasiswi FEKON di Universitas Riau agar dapat bergabung dalam organisasi yang kita sayangi ini. Kesempatan ini terbuka untuk seluruh mahasiswa-mahasiswi mulai dari yang baru, yakni angkatan 2016 hingga angkatan 2014.
Also on this occassion, all the armies of EFEC went to introduce our organization to all the freshmen by doing a socialization from a class to class which we called with 'EFEC goes to class'. This was meant to let the new students know about what and who we are, also to let them know that we were currently opening the recruitment for new members that will be a part of us, specially for those who are taking English subject.
Pada kesempatan ini pula, pengurus-pengurus EFEC juga memperkenalkan organisasi ini kepada seluruh mahasiswa-mahasiswi baru dengan sosialisasi ke kelas-kelas melalui "EFEC Goes to Class" terkhusus untuk teman-teman yang sedang menjalankan mata kuliah bahasa inggris.
Not only that guyss, us, EFEC also opened a stand under the tree which is likely located in the center of Economic Buildings of Riau University so that would be easier for those who wanna approach us, know about us or maybe take the registrasion form and ask about the regulations.
Gak cuma itu, guyss, EFEC juga membuka stand di bawah pohon yang terletak di titik tengah gedung-gedung Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Riau loh^^