Tuesday, 28 December 2021


    On November 29 - December 7,2021 EFEC are held English Festival with theme " Excel in Isolation".
This English Festival are provide many competition categories such as Solo song, Speech,
Story Telling Etc.
this Event are held via Online by using an Instagram for the participant to send their creation for the competition.

On November 29 , 2021 The opening of English Festival are opened by Mr. Dr.Deni Setiawan,SE,M.Ec as a vice dean 3 of Economics and business faculty of Riau University, 
Student Governor of FEB Riau University and  also the delegation from the organization in FEB UR.

for the closing and the announcement for the Winners are held in Winstar Ballroom Hotel on December 07,2021  which attended by the winners and 
some of participant can join via zoom meeting. The closing ceremony are also attended by the vice student governor and also from the delegation from the organization in FEB UR.

In Closing Ceremony of EFEST, EFEC are also Held a NUDC Seminar that resources by Bro Ardian.

For more information you can follow 



Saturday, 25 December 2021



On March,20 ,2021 EFEC Was held Inauguration with theme “A New EFEC ready for A New Challenges” as the next step after upgrading in the New Period. This event was held by hybrid mode which half of EFEC members that based in Pekanbaru can attend to the place or offline and for the EFEC members that not based in Pekanbaru can join Via Zoom Meeting.

This Event are attended by Mr. Dr.Deni Setiawan,SE,M.Ec as a vice dean 3 of Economics and business faculty of Riau University, Student Governor of FEB Riau University and  also the delegation from the organization in FEB UR.

This event start at 9 am and opened by Master of Ceremony, then opening speech by Ibnu Syaputra as a student governor of FEB UR.

not only that, representatives from the entrepreneurship division also opened a food stand by selling several products such as chocolate spring rolls, etc

After all opening speech, we go to the main event which after that we entered the main event, namely the inauguration and appointment of the EFEC management for the period 2021/2022 which was inaugurated by the 3rd vice dean, namely Mr. Dr.Deni Setiawan,SE,M.Ec

The event was closed by taking a picture together with all members of EFEC for Periode 2021/2022.

Friday, 24 December 2021



On November 20,2021  EFEC together with BEM FEB UNRI conducted a social visiting activity with theme “Crearing their smile with our hands”  to the Aisyiyah women's orphanage located on Jalan KH. Ahmad Dahlan, Pekanbaru, Riau.

SOV or social visiting is a social activity that is routinely carried out by EFEC. SoV activities are coordinated by the public relations division. Through this activity, EFEC members can participate in carrying out social actions such as visiting orphanages.

Event was began with a speech from the EFEC chairman and  head of the orphanage , then continued by playing several games such as guessing pictures, arranging words, singing in English, praying together and  the event ended with a group lunch and the handing over of several aids such as clothes, basic necessities and stationery to the orphanage people.

Besides that the event was also attended by EFEC members and several representatives from BEM FEB UNRI. SoV activities are carried out based on the agreement of EFEC members.

Ulayya Rizqo as chief committee for this event  hopes that through this social event can helped other people can feel the happiness.

Hopefully through this SoV will certainly increase  strengthen the relationship between fellow EFEC members and foster a sense of caring by sharing with the people around them. In addition, SoV activities can also make people in need happy because they can feel teh knowledge and sustenance that is given.


  EFEC ON THE ROAD: RAMADHAN EDITION program was successfully held in the month of Ramadhan 1442 H. This program was done to fill the Ramadan time by holding useful activities.

     Prior to the peak event which was held on April 25, 2021  first EFEC conduct an open donation from April 21 - April 24, 2021, where the donation was in the form of cash that was used for the event at 25 of April 2021.

 First, let's find out what EFEC ON THE ROAD is.

EFEC ON THE ROAD : RAMADHAN EDITION is one of the programs owned by the Public Relations division at EFEC that was carried out in the month of Ramadan which is a form of EFEC's concern for the community.

This year, EFEC ON THE ROAD  was held in the month of Ramadan in 1442 H which coincided on April 25, 2021. The activity that was carried out at this year's EFEC ON THE ROAD: RAMADHAN EDITON is to provide food for breaking the fast to people around  Gadjah Mada street  and Diponegoro street  along with the people who pass on the road.

The form of food provided is in the form of green bean porridge and with mineral water, the food is given in order to help block the stomachs of motorists who are still passing by when it is time to break their fast.

 EFEC ON THE ROAD : RAMADHAN EDITION activity was coordinated by Ulayya Rizqo who is also part of the Public Relations division. not only by  herself, but Ulaya was also helped by several other EFEC members such as the head of the public relations division and several other members.

 EFEC ON THE ROAD : RAMADHAN EDITION activity was started at 4 pm, by packing green bean porridge and mineral water, then continued with giving to the people around Gadjah Mada street and Diponegoro street.

UPGRADING 2021/2022 "A New EFEC Ready for A New Challenge"


EFEC members with seniors from previous period

On March 13,2021 (03/13)  EFEC organized upgrading with the theme "A New EFEC Ready for A New Challenge" for the Governing Body for the Period 2021/2022 Along with the arrival of new teachings and the change of management of the Organization economics Faculty English Club (EFEC), it is necessary to provide debriefing and knowledge to each cadre or to each member of the new management that is internal to the organization to be expected to make all members of the new management more competent. This activity is carried out online and offline.

 Where online activities are carried out through the zoom meeting application and for offline is carried out at the BEM Hall of the Faculty of Economics and Business. The activity is carried out from 09.00 WIB until it is completed. This activity was hosted by Ainaya Nazilatul as the host by Priska Dian Cristina.

There are 35 participants who joined offline and 25 participants online according to the description of the attendance list that has been made before. Upgrading activities are activities organized by EFEC administrators that aim to legalize EFEC management in 2021/2022 and also socialization of EFEC board members. 

HRD Division


    This activity is really important so, that each member understands the responsibilities and obligations of each, knows the duties and functions in a division, and in stills the importance to carry out the task properly.

Activity began with the recitation of the Holy Qur'an by M. Adzan Ramadhan and continued with Sing the National Anthem (Indonesia Raya) and sing Mars Students led by Sara Rasta and subsequently the giving of a speech from the chairman of the 2021/2022 period Yudha Dwi Markalino, and after that continued by Nanang Nahendra as a reader of Do'a on this occasion.

After reading Do'a continued with the upgrading process started by upgrading chairman, followed by upgrading educational division, then upgrading public relations Division, then Upgrading Human resource division, continued by upgrading entrepreneur division , then Upgrading Media Division and ended by upgrading English talent. 

portrait of the new chairman and the chairman of the previous period

It is expected that from this upgrading activity EFEC Chairman for the period 2021/2022 can carry out their main duties and functions in accordance with the rules and regulations of the organization, can also be more trustworthy in carrying out new responsibilities in one EFEC management 2021/2022.


Educational Division

Public relation division

Media Division

Enviromental Realization: "We Take Care of Nature, Nature Takes Care of Us: Reducing the Risk of Flood Disasters by Respecting the Environment"

Enviromental Realization: "We Take Care of Nature, Nature Takes Care of Us: Reducing the Risk of Flood Disasters by Respecting the Envi...