Saturday, 25 December 2021



On March,20 ,2021 EFEC Was held Inauguration with theme “A New EFEC ready for A New Challenges” as the next step after upgrading in the New Period. This event was held by hybrid mode which half of EFEC members that based in Pekanbaru can attend to the place or offline and for the EFEC members that not based in Pekanbaru can join Via Zoom Meeting.

This Event are attended by Mr. Dr.Deni Setiawan,SE,M.Ec as a vice dean 3 of Economics and business faculty of Riau University, Student Governor of FEB Riau University and  also the delegation from the organization in FEB UR.

This event start at 9 am and opened by Master of Ceremony, then opening speech by Ibnu Syaputra as a student governor of FEB UR.

not only that, representatives from the entrepreneurship division also opened a food stand by selling several products such as chocolate spring rolls, etc

After all opening speech, we go to the main event which after that we entered the main event, namely the inauguration and appointment of the EFEC management for the period 2021/2022 which was inaugurated by the 3rd vice dean, namely Mr. Dr.Deni Setiawan,SE,M.Ec

The event was closed by taking a picture together with all members of EFEC for Periode 2021/2022.

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