Friday, 24 December 2021


  EFEC ON THE ROAD: RAMADHAN EDITION program was successfully held in the month of Ramadhan 1442 H. This program was done to fill the Ramadan time by holding useful activities.

     Prior to the peak event which was held on April 25, 2021  first EFEC conduct an open donation from April 21 - April 24, 2021, where the donation was in the form of cash that was used for the event at 25 of April 2021.

 First, let's find out what EFEC ON THE ROAD is.

EFEC ON THE ROAD : RAMADHAN EDITION is one of the programs owned by the Public Relations division at EFEC that was carried out in the month of Ramadan which is a form of EFEC's concern for the community.

This year, EFEC ON THE ROAD  was held in the month of Ramadan in 1442 H which coincided on April 25, 2021. The activity that was carried out at this year's EFEC ON THE ROAD: RAMADHAN EDITON is to provide food for breaking the fast to people around  Gadjah Mada street  and Diponegoro street  along with the people who pass on the road.

The form of food provided is in the form of green bean porridge and with mineral water, the food is given in order to help block the stomachs of motorists who are still passing by when it is time to break their fast.

 EFEC ON THE ROAD : RAMADHAN EDITION activity was coordinated by Ulayya Rizqo who is also part of the Public Relations division. not only by  herself, but Ulaya was also helped by several other EFEC members such as the head of the public relations division and several other members.

 EFEC ON THE ROAD : RAMADHAN EDITION activity was started at 4 pm, by packing green bean porridge and mineral water, then continued with giving to the people around Gadjah Mada street and Diponegoro street.

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