Friday, 24 December 2021



On November 20,2021  EFEC together with BEM FEB UNRI conducted a social visiting activity with theme “Crearing their smile with our hands”  to the Aisyiyah women's orphanage located on Jalan KH. Ahmad Dahlan, Pekanbaru, Riau.

SOV or social visiting is a social activity that is routinely carried out by EFEC. SoV activities are coordinated by the public relations division. Through this activity, EFEC members can participate in carrying out social actions such as visiting orphanages.

Event was began with a speech from the EFEC chairman and  head of the orphanage , then continued by playing several games such as guessing pictures, arranging words, singing in English, praying together and  the event ended with a group lunch and the handing over of several aids such as clothes, basic necessities and stationery to the orphanage people.

Besides that the event was also attended by EFEC members and several representatives from BEM FEB UNRI. SoV activities are carried out based on the agreement of EFEC members.

Ulayya Rizqo as chief committee for this event  hopes that through this social event can helped other people can feel the happiness.

Hopefully through this SoV will certainly increase  strengthen the relationship between fellow EFEC members and foster a sense of caring by sharing with the people around them. In addition, SoV activities can also make people in need happy because they can feel teh knowledge and sustenance that is given.

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